Here are our boys, they are getting big and they are little heathens!!!

Found this KAL this morning. I am going to start with the Embossed Leaves pattern. It is so cool to see how different the same pattern can look in different colors. I'd like to make pretty much all the socks in the book!
I finished a pair of footies for both of my younger daughters. They went quick with Cascade Fixation. I love that yarn!! I'm working on a pair in Megaboots stretch for hubby. He went to our lys with me and that is what he picked out. He didn't even fall over when he saw the price What a hubby. I have 7 rnds of ribbing done, tying to work on them when he's at work, even though he knows I am making them, he doesn't know what pattern. I am using a Designedly,Kristi pattern. Her patterns are alot of fun and so well written. If you'd like to check out her patterns here is her blog addy. I hope the links work, I really have no idea what I am doing.
I've got another BBS down almost to the heel, and one pair done. Those babies are looonggg. I will try to figure out how to post their button here for anybody who is interested in joining. It's a wonderful group and I'm so happy to be able to do even this little bit for our troops. Have a great week-end everybody!
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