Yarn, Kids and Horses

Just writings about life as a mom, including my 18 year old daughter who is bipolar; our horses and my love of all things yarn and knitting, especially socks!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Finally finished the 2nd pair of BBS. I had to frog back from the 4 times on one, 3 times on the other. I don't know why I had such a hard time with them. The first pair was a piece of cake compared to the 2nd one. I hope the 3rd pair goes better. Almost done with Jim's socks, and still working on my dad's for Christmas, hope I get them done in time.

The kids did wonderful on their report cards. Jonathon is starting to read, Katie is improving and Britt made highest honors again. She got 3 100's on her report card in accelerated english, science and spanish. Her GPA is 95. Lex is doing alot better in school too, and is doing 9th grade work now. She has an article in her school's newspaper.

Here are *my* jaywalkers in cherry tree hill, life's a beach. I love them and the yarn.

Chuckie and Tommy

The boys are getting huge. They are terrors though, into everything, can't leave them alone in a room or they trash it. They got ahold of a sock I was knitting for Lexi, good thing it was toe up, it became a bag for the digital camera, since I couldn't fix the hole for Lex to be able to wear it. Here are the boys, about the only time they are calm. Grace is the chunky one on the far left. The clown with the blue harness laying on his back is Tommy.